So to be honest, this isn't actually one of my usual or favourite looks, and apologies for the poor photographs, I wasn't planning on sharing this look on my blog and ended up rushing 6 or 7 shots before I went out for the evening. These shoes have been in my wardrobe for years and I quickly shoved them on as they seemed like the only ones to go with this look! One thing I do love is my new off-white long cardi from Monki. There was a similar trench coat in Zara which I saw not long ago, however couldn't spare £85 to buy it, so when I saw this pretty similar piece on Carnaby Street I had to have it - especially at £25! Hopefully I will put a better look together soon using it! 

Chain Necklace: EBAY, Long Cardigan: MONKI, Blouse: H&M, Leggings: EBAY, Sandals: NEXT
