David Gandy - Model
Chris and Oscar Benns - Father and Son
George Skeggs - Artist
As may have already seen the shots for LCM and
GQ day 2 are already on the
GQ site. Here are 3 of the images to whet your appetite for more. A quite moment in all the hustle and bustle for David Gandy @DGandyOfficial, Chris @ChrisBenns got a ticket through the post for his son, so it would have been rude not to bring him, right. Imagine being able to say you went to your first fashion show when you were 18months. How cool would be. And George was almost the one that got away. He was walking past everyone with his canvas's, guess who was the only one to spot his sartorial elegance. And so you have it in 3 pictures a man for all seasons.