This past Sunday, our local costume club, the Great Basin Costume Society, held a little picnic in honor of Bastille Day.  We called it the "Off With Her Head Tea."  The costume suggestion was for 18th century OR Alice in Wonderland, or any combination thereof.  We even had a mime.

The ladies, complete with adorable mime.
For many of our members, this was their first time playing in the 18th century.  Everyone put together something fun (and that is the whole point, right?).

Oscar, Debbie, and Autumn
Lady Carolyn, in her Revolution Robe a l'Anglaise
We dressed Anna in my red Revolution Anglaise.  She looked fantastic, and even spoke a little French throughout the day.
Angie and Chris - this was Angie's first historical costume *ever*.  I think she's off to a great start!
We invaded our local park late in the afternoon, and set up camp with tables of French bread, French cheese, French vanilla cookies, and some suspiciously American-looking cupcakes.

Dana and Carolyn in florals
We strolled and ambled around the park.
...occasionally stopping to admire the scenery. Liza looked resplendent in her walking-length pink and cream ensemble.
From left to right, Angie, Liza, Debbie, and me
Cindy was our Red Queen - she and her family went with the Alice in Wonderland suggestions
Margaret in a very Revolution-inspired red-white-blue outfit, perfect for the occasion.
The ladies picnicking in style
The obligatory shoe circle photo, with a couple ladies wearing Kensington and Devonshire.
Eleanor the mime, with her dancing monkey.
All in all, the day was lovely.