I just received 10 yards of delicious ivory silk taffeta, and I'm just *itching* to make something (or a lot of somethings) out of it.  Of course I'm thinking along 18th century lines - I need a petticoat and stays for my wedding gown, and Mr. C needs a waistcoat for his Regency stuff, but I'm betting I can also get an 18th century robe out of the remainder.  ...but what style?

Here's a look at ivory/white/cream gowns from the 18th c.:

DarwinCountry.org - Wedding Dress of Cream Silk, 1785
Mrs. Edmund Morton Pleydell, by Thomas Gainsborough, c. 1765 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - I don't think I have enough for a Francaise, but I love the blue accent with the ivory
George Romney - Jane Maxwell, Duchess of Gordon, c 1749 - 1812.
Miss Mary Finch-Hatton, 1788. From The Frick Collection, accession number 1898.1.104. - similar to a pattern in Janet Arnold's book
Henrietta, Countess of Warwick, and Her Children, 1787-1789. From the Frick Collection, accession number 1908.1.107.

Joshua Sir Reynolds - Lady Sunderland, 1786

Portrait Of Louise Marie Josephine De Savoie, Comtesse De Provence, by Joseph Boze 
The Met - Robe a la Francaise 1770
The Music Party by Loius Rolland Trinquesse, 1774
Kyoto Costume Institute - 1790 - I have always adored this gown.  It may have to be this one.
There are, of course, OODLES of ivory and white gowns from the 18th century, in so many different styles and even materials.  These are just a few I particularly liked.

Quite nicely, this itch falls in line with the Historical Sew Fortnightly's "White" Challenge, due in July (https://www.facebook.com/events/533681890003723/).  I don't think I'll be done with the whole thing by then, but we'll see :-)
